
Time management-I'm learning how to read

Individual interview with the Director of Studies in order to cultivate a directness in communication. In the interview the Director of Studies will explain to the student the correct way to study at home, but also the ideal way to absorb knowledge in the classroom. It teaches him to take good and effective notes, to ask the right questions and to work methodically.
It also guides the student on how to organize their time at home, shows them study strategies, and provides practical solutions for dealing with procrastination and maximizing concentration. The Principal provides the student with a personalized homework program, tailored to their needs and extracurricular activities (sports, music, etc.).


Formation of departments

Diagnostic TESTS

All students write a diagnostic test in the basic courses of each direction on the necessary knowledge of the previous classes. They are informed about the material in each lesson and are asked to study it from the "Method" books in order to be better prepared until the predetermined test dates. The goal of the diagnostic is to identify if there are gaps in the specific courses so that we can cover them and take them into account in the creation of the departments. The student receives a personal report (report) where his gaps are mentioned and ways of improvement are suggested.


Section Homogeneity

The classes have few members (5-7 students) and for their composition the performance in the diagnostic tests, the grades of the school leaving certificates in basic subjects and also the performance of the students in the tutorial classes are taken into account. Experience shows that the more homogeneous a section is, the more effective the course is for students. The small-member character additionally combines all the advantages of personalized teaching with those of the organized Tuition Center.



Once the teacher has formed an opinion about the student, he will set an oral and written grade goal that we try to achieve for each student. The Head Professor of the department who is in constant communication with the Head of Studies, through the timely monitoring of the student's performance, will jointly develop the most effective education system for each student.

Design module of matter

For each course, all teachers in all departments follow a single syllabus plan that states in each paragraph, how many hours it must be taught, what actions the teacher must take, what actions the student must take, what tests must be assigned and what are the expected results. The lesson plan is based on the "Method" books and helps the teacher to complete the material correctly.


Student progress

At "Method", with the support of a series of tools and systems, we monitor and strengthen the progress of each individual student and are in constant communication both with him and with his parents.


Informing students - parents

At "Method" we believe that information should be given to students and their parents at the same time. The communication-update with the students and their parents is carried out in various ways in order to achieve continuous, complete and timely information. In more detail:


Responsible Teacher per student

Next to the student

The Teacher in Charge is the connecting link between the student, teachers, parents and the Head of Studies. Monitors the student's progress, supports him educationally and psychologically. He communicates and informs his parents. He knows the student's special abilities and weaknesses and intervenes where necessary with corrective actions.

A useful tool for the Teacher-in-Charge is the my-methodos electronic application, in which the student's individual record is displayed where his educational progress is graphically illustrated through special performance charts. Through the application, he is informed and communicates with the student, parents, other teachers and the Head of Studies even outside the classroom.

Tutor-led study

The "Method Reading Room" is our new pioneering and innovative service. Its purpose is to provide our students with the help they need during their study process. A part of the study required by the students has been transferred from home to the Reading Room, with specific hours, in a program integrated with the teaching program, with the presence of the course teacher. Thus the student, with the help of his teacher, learns how to study each subject and does the necessary preparatory work needed to complete the tasks assigned to him. Through this pioneering process, the hard work, responsibility and critical thinking of the students are strengthened, as a result of which they constantly improve and develop.



The majority of students are now familiar with technology and the use of the internet is an integral part of their daily life. At "Method" we have created e-quizzes for all courses and make the learning process more fun and interactive. The e-quizzes contain questions of all types that are formulated per chapter and their correction is done automatically, thus facilitating and speeding up the learning process. The e-quizzes are an original creation of "Methodos" and are available in the my–methodos online application. Each student can log in from their smartphone or computer and solve the e-quiz assigned to them.

Evaluation of an Educational Project

Everyone is evaluated at the "Method" Tutorial

Without evaluation there is no progress. Through the my-methodos application, in order to ensure convenience and immediacy, special questionnaires are completed by students, parents and teachers in order to check the quality of our educational services. The administrative staff and all of us partners of the "Method" tutoring school, are evaluated for our performance, our results and the fulfillment of the goals that we are asked to fulfill each time.